In this exercise, we will simulate two developers working on different functions in a script. The process we will mimic is common, though somewhat simplified, as the conflicts that we will create in merging the changes will be relatively trivial to resolve.
Edit me

While this exercise will use github classroom, it will not be a graded assignment.

Before starting the assignment, you should decide if you will work alone or with one other student. Either way, select a “team” name–this can be your name or something you make up.

Accept the “assignment”

To start this exercise, click on this link: (This is the Fall 2022 link for UF students). Follow the directions to accept the assignment and create a team.

If you are working with another student, have one student setup the team, and when the second student goes to the link, they can join the team.

Work through the instructions in the README file of the repository that will be created.