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Accessing LinkedIn Learning

From the e-learning page, click the LinkedIn Learning link and login with your GatorLink.

Then either click on this link, or search for the course Learning the Linux Command Line. This LinkedIn Learning tutorial will go over some basic Linux command line usage.

A few notes

Section 1: Setting up your environment

You can skip “Section 1: Setting up your environment”, we are working on HiPerGator. One thing that this section does cover is downloading the example files from GitHub. You should do this on HiPerGator. Login to HiPerGator, cd to your /blue/bsc4452/<gatorlink> directory and clone the github repository:

flmnh-C02N85F3G:~ magitz$ ssh magitz@hpg.rc.ufl.edu
magitz@hpg.rc.ufl.edu password: 
                        Welcome to UF Research Computing                        
[...A bunch of stuff nobody reads...]

[magitz@login1 ~]$ cd /blue/bsc4452/magitz/
[magitz@login1 magitz]$  git clone https://github.com/LinkedInLearning/learning-linux-command-line-3005201
Cloning into 'learning-linux-command-line-3005201'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 42, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (42/42), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (36/36), done.
remote: Total 42 (delta 8), reused 31 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (42/42), done.
[magitz@login1 magitz]$

Part 3: Files, Folders and Permissions

In Part 3, where the video “Files, folders, and navigation” is navigating to Documents, you will do: cd /blue/bsc4452/<gatorlink>

In part 3, you can skip the “User roles and sudo” video as you won’t be able to do those–you do not have permission to change to the root user.

Part 5: A Peek at Some More Advanced Topics

You do not need to do Part 5.


There is nothing to turn in for this. I suggest it as another overview of the tools available.